Improve digital buying experiences for SaaS customers

At the same time business leaders and Customer Success Managers are facing increasing pressure and dealing with revenue declines, the B2B buying journey is changing. We’re seeing a significant shift from perpetual to subscriptions. Not only does this change the cash flow, but it requires a different approach to business models to build sustainable revenue growth.

It also creates significant opportunities for SaaS platforms that can build and nurture relationships with SaaS buyers. The key is proactively managing the customer experience from start to finish.
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What is customer experience management software?

Customer experience management (CXM) software helps you manage the digital experiences in the customer journey. It streamlines customer engagement, sales processes, buying processes, customer service, and customer feedback across a company’s digital channels.

The best CXM platforms will unify customer data, including transactional, behavioral, financial, and operational, to provide a comprehensive view of customers. For SaaS companies, this data is invaluable in helping close deals and maximize customer lifetime value (CLV).

CXM software helps businesses manage — and measure — their entire organization’s interactions with current and potential customers across every touchpoint. Why is this so important? The numbers tell the story.

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Digital buying experiences for SaaS organizations by the numbers

  • 85% of customers will pay more for a SaaS product if there is a high-quality customer experience.

  • 96% of customers say customer experience is a key factor in brand loyalty and renewals.

  • 4%-8% higher revenue growth than their competitors for companies that prioritize customer experience 

  • 81% of marketers say they are competing mainly or completely on customer experience — more than price or product.

Despite these statistics, a study by Forrester uncovered that 90% of organizations are missing key technology to support sales reps, customer support teams, and customers in the digital buying experience for SaaS.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks happens right at checkout.

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We help SaaS companies build outstanding digital buyer journeys

We start by understanding that B2B buyers are too often presented with multiple friction points during a purchase. This frustrates buyers and often leads to them searching for alternatives, and ultimately losing revenue for you.

Obstacles to purchase include:

  • Unsuitable or inadequate payment methods
  • Unable to generate quotes or invoices
  • Inadequate address fields
  • Forced human interaction

Every friction point presents buyers with a reason to leave your site.

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How our customer experience software eliminates obstacles to purchase

Cleverbridge features an enhanced B2B checkout that eliminates these obstacles to create a more seamless, frictionless buying experience.

A few of the ways we accomplish this is by adding the functionality and flexibility that buyers want.


Localized Payments Optimization

Payment culture varies wildly around the world. For instance, while some B2B buyers will pay with credit cards, ACH payments are the go-to payment method for B2B buyers in the U.S. It’s cheaper and more widely used than any other payment method, showing 20% YOY growth and accounting for more than $19.2 trillion in Q3 2022 alone.

It’s no use generating quotes or invoices if you can’t convert deals. You need to enable your B2B buyers to pay via their preferred payment method. This is why our platform uses IP, location and browser language to provide the user with a locally optimized payment experience.

Click to Quote

Business buyers regularly need quotes for internal approval or processing. So, if you’re not providing them, it’s an instant barrier and will increase cart abandonment. Cleverbridge makes it easy for customers to automatically generate a quote to accelerate the time to purchase.

Proforma Invoice

Similar to quotes, business buyers also need invoices, particularly in the US. With our proforma invoice feature, B2B customers can quickly generate the invoice they require to complete a purchase, boosting your conversion rate and revenue.

Updated Address Fields

We also have updated address fields that are automated for locations and are more explicit to ensure all invoicing details are accurate and reduce any friction.

G2 Recommendations

86% of B2B buyers say they rely on third-party reviews before completing a purchase. We make it easy to embed your G2 review right into the B2B digital buying experience, letting your positive reviews do the talking, and selling, for you.  Have a look at our G2 profile.

Better Enable B2B Buyers

Providing your B2B buyers with a more seamless, frictionless purchasing process is key to success. We can help you provide the experience today’s B2B customers demand and boost conversion rates, reduce churn, and maximize your B2B customer lifetime value.

Other B2B Solutions for SaaS Businesses in eCommerce

Our growth solutions help you attract, engage, and retain customers using a variety of tools, including email and social media, to create new revenue opportunities and nurture long-term relationships. This increases conversions from free trials and creates upsell and cross-sell opportunities.


The Cleverbridge CLV Growth Engine allows customer success teams to provide better, more personalized support to maximize customer lifetime value and increase renewals. By orchestrating user engagement, renewals, and upsells from start to finish.

Retention Marketing

We provide self-service and automated renewals, freeing up your sales team to focus on high-value renewals. Our platform also has advanced marketing automation to drive retention using automated email cadences for engagement at optimal times. Informed by artificial intelligence and machine learning, your retention campaigns will show continuous improvement.

Churn Reduction

Churn is a revenue killer. Not only does it take revenue off the bottom line, but you have to spend more money on customer acquisition just to replace your recurring revenue. Cleverbridge helps you reduce churn so you can build a sustainable growth engine for your SaaS business.


Cleverbridge orchestrates payments and automates subscriptions to minimize admin tasks, retain customers, and drive cost efficiencies to grow revenue. Our mission is to make it easy to maximize customer lifetime value. Schedule a demo today.

You built the best product in the world: now sell it globally.

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