Cleverbridge’s Q2 release roundup is here! 

Our quarterly release roundups serve as an opportunity to celebrate recent product updates that advance our all-in-one platform and accelerate your growth. We have a lot to cover, so let’s get into it. 

Q1 Inline Essentials

What is CleverEssentials? CleverEssentials is our core product that delivers seamless digital buying experiences throughout the customer lifecycle. With CleverEssentials, you can build optimized checkouts, process global payments, manage subscriptions, handle global tax and compliance, prevent fraud, and more. 

In Q2, we released: 

  • PayPal Express: Offer PayPal Express as a global payment method and streamline the checkout process with faster PayPal transactions.  

  • TRA Exemptions: Increase payment success rates and reduce checkout friction by avoiding 3DS challenges for low-value orders. 

  • Updated Web Tool Navigation: Quickly locate features and easily navigate Cleverbridge’s web-based admin tool with a restructured sidebar.  

  • Cancellation Flows: Combat voluntary churn by engaging customers who begin the cancellation process with dynamic offers and intent surveys. 

  • Upcoming Renewals: Monitor customers with approaching renewal dates to trigger targeted outreach and retention campaigns.  

  • Upgraded Data Refresh Process: Reduce data loading time from two days to just under a few hours, ensuring more real-time access to important metrics. 

As part of the Q2 release, we have officially bundled the product formerly known as CleverInsights into CleverEssentials. Insights is a collection of robust AI-powered dashboards that allow for more informed decision-making. Features include: 

  • Benchmarks: Compare your subscription metrics with the hundreds of other businesses operating on the Cleverbridge platform. 

  • Forecasts: Leverage historical data to accurately predict performance and make forward-looking business decisions.  

  • Anomaly Detection: Get notified when there are fluctuations in KPIs and receive explanations to identify the root cause behind spikes or dips. 

For more information about CleverEssentials or specific feature updates, please request a demo 


What is CleverAutomations? CleverAutomations is an AI-enabled lifecycle marketing solution that automatically generates end-to-end engagement campaigns to drive customer retention and growth.  

In Q2, we released: 

  • Restructured Dashboard Reporting: Analyze customer engagement and track revenue attributed to specific email campaigns.

  • Email Testing: Quickly test custom layouts by sending emails to your personal or company email address. 

We are offering early adopter discounts for new CleverAutomations clients. Get in touch to request a demo today. 


What is CleverPartners? CleverPartners, powered by PartnerStack, is a one-stop solution to accelerate partner revenue and performance. With CleverPartners, SaaS businesses can recruit the right B2B partners, automate program management, track partner-sourced conversions, and more. 

In Q2, PartnerStack released the following features: 

  • Improved Messages: Message partners directly within the PartnerStack platform to boost engagement and streamline program management. 

Learn more about CleverPartners and request a demo here 

That’s it for now. As always, please reach out with any questions and subscribe to our changelog for more real-time product updates.